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Dicţionar englez-român

Romanian-English translation for: [
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Dictionary Romanian English: [

Translation 1 - 50 of 8374  >>

Romanian English
încet {adj} [aproape neauzit] [ex. ploaie]silent [quiet]
unde {adv}where [interrogative]
firește {adv}naturally [of course]
prezent {adj}present [not absent]
surd {adj} [durere]dull
teribil {adj}awesome [Am.] [coll.]
[cineva] făceasb. did
[cineva] furnizeazăsb. provides
[cineva] vasb. shall
[cineva/ceva] aveasb./sth. had
[cineva/ceva] estesb./sth. is
[ei] erauthey were
[eu/ei] pot[I/they] can
[noi] eramwe were
[voi] erațiyou were [pl.]
abia {adv} [săptămâna viitoare]not until [next week]
abil {adj}clever [skillful]
acasă {adv}home [coll.]
accidental {adj}accidental [unplanned]
această {pron}this [feminine]
acerb {adj}incisive [criticism]
acest {pron}this [masculine / neuter]
acestea {pron}these [masculine / neuter]
aceștia {pron}these [masculine]
aclimatizat {adj} {past-p}acclimatised [Br.]
actual {adj} [campion]reigning
acvatic {adj}water [attr.]
adânc {adj} [jos]low
adeziv {adj}adhesive [e.g. film, tape, binding, dressing, power]
admirabil {adj}bodacious [Am.] [coll.] [admirable]
admirabil {adj}worth admiring [postpos.]
jur. admisibil {adj}admissable [spv.]
aerian {adj}aerial [e.g. refuelling, battle, photo, root]
aerian {prefix}aero- [relating to air]
aerisit {adj} {past-p} [ventilat]aerated
aerisit {adj} {past-p} [ventilat]aired
biol. aerob {adj}aerobical [rare]
aerodinamic {adj}aero [attr.] [coll.] [aerodynamic]
afectuos {adj}tender [affectionate]
afroamerican {adj}Afroamerican [rare] [spv.]
ager {adj} [abil]clever
agitat {adj} {past-p}excited [agitated]
agresiv {adj}truculent [aggressive]
Ahoi! [uneori și Ahoe!] [salut marinăresc]Ahoy!
aicea {adv} [pop.]here
alb {adj} [persoană]Caucasian [white-skinned]
alea {f} {pron} [pop.]those
alegoric {adj}parabolic [allegorical]
alias {adv} [cunoscut și ca ...]alias
alias {adv} [cunoscut și ca ...]also known as <aka>
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