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Dicţionar englez-român

Romanian-English translation for: [Am]
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Dictionary Romanian English: [Am]

Translation 1 - 50 of 1063  >>


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teribil {adj}
awesome [Am.] [coll.]
anemic {adj}anemic [Am.]
biol. anaerob {adj}anerobic [Am.] [spv.]
Unverified anesteziat {adj}anesthesized [Am.]
Unverified anesteziat {adj}anesthetized [Am.]
nervos {adj}antsy [Am.] [coll.]
arheol. arheologic {adj}archeologic [Am.]
arheol. arheologic {adj}archeological [Am.]
arheol. arheologic {adv}archeologically [Am.]
biol. filos. psihol. behaviorist {adj}behaviorist [Am.]
biol. filos. psihol. behaviorist {adj}behavioristic [Am.]
bienal {adj}biannual [Am.] [biennial]
bicolor {adj}bicolor [Am.]
bicolor {adj}bicolored [Am.]
admirabil {adj}bodacious [Am.] [coll.] [admirable]
inform. anulat {adj} {past-p}canceled [Am.]
centrat {adj} {past-p}centered [Am.]
daltonist {adj}colorblind [Am.]
consiliat {adj} {past-p}counseled [Am.]
Unverified în sensul invers acelor de ceasornic {adj} {adv}counterclockwise [Am.]
comod {adj}cozy [Am.]
confortabil {adj}cozy [Am.]
arhi. crenelat {adj} {past-p}crenelated [Am.]
cristalizat {adj} {past-p}crystalized [Am.]
decolorat {adj} {past-p} [spălăcit]discolored [Am.]
med. edematos {adj}edematous [Am.]
emailat {adj} {past-p}enameled [Am.]
eolian {adj}eolian [Am.]
anat. esofagian {adj}esophageal [Am.]
estetic {adj}esthetic [Am.]
estetic {adj}esthetical [Am.]
estival {adj}estival [Am.]
estival {adj}estival [Am.] [rare]
favorabil {adj}favorable [Am.]
favorizat {adj} {past-p}favored [Am.]
fecal {adj}fecal [Am.]
Doamne!Geez! [Am.] [coll.] [spv.] [Jeez!]
Di!Giddyap! [Am.]
Te-am prins!Gotcha! [Am.] [sl.]
cenușiu {adj}gray [Am.]
gri {adj}gray [Am.]
electr. împământat {adj} {past-p}grounded [Am.]
med. ginecologic {adj}gynecologic [Am.]
med. ginecologic {adj}gynecological [Am.]
med. hematologic {adj}hematological [Am.]
zool. hematofag {adj}hematophagous [Am.]
biochem. med. hemolitic {adj}hemolytic [Am.]
med. hemolizat {adj} {past-p}hemolyzed [Am.]
spec. hemoragic {adj}hemorrhagic [Am.]
med. hemostatic {adj}hemostatic [Am.]
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