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Romanian-English translation for: [i.e.]
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Dictionary Romanian English: [i e]

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Partial Matches
alim. biochem. luteină {f} [E-161b] [C40H56O2]lutein [E-161b]
alim. biochem. lecitină {f} [E-322]lecithin [E-322]
alim. biochem. spec. acid {m} ascorbic [E-300, vitamina C]ascorbic acid [E-300]
alim. mineral. tech. bentonit {n}bentonite [E-558]
alim. biochem. pectină {f} [E-440]pectin
economisit {adj} {past-p}saved [e.g. money]
chim. enol. viticol {adj}vinic [e.g. alcohol]
alim. chim. butan {m} [C4H10] [E-943a]butane
alim. biochem. farm. natamicină {f} [C33H47NO13] [E-235]natamycin
alim. chim. propan {n} [C3H8] [E-944]propane
neluminat {adj}unlit [e.g. street, room]
a strunjito turn [e.g. wood]
alim. entom. spec. ceară {f} de albine [E-901]beeswax
autostradă {f}motorway [Br.] [e.g. M1]
ecol. geogr. montan {adj}montane [e.g. forest, meadow, region]
inform. a trimite e-mailurito mail [e-mail]
material șelac {n}shellac [as food additive: E-904]
alim. chim. citrat {m} de natriu [E-331]sodium citrate
aerian {adj}aerial [e.g. refuelling, battle, photo, root]
agr. arabil {adj}arable [e.g. crop, land, plot, soil]
în formă de cupolă {adj}domed [e.g. roof]
clăpăug {adj} [de ex. urechi]jutting [e.g. ears]
zugrăvit {adj} {past-p} [de ex. perete]painted [e.g. wall]
ferov. feroviar {adj}train [attr.] [e.g. fare, operator, passengers]
alim. chim. carbonat {m} de calciu [CaCO3] [E-170]calcium carbonate
tech. autofrânare {f} [autoblocare]self-retention [e.g. wedge, screw]
controlul {n} biletelorticket check [e.g. bus, train]
alim. chim. dioxid {m} de titan [TiO2] [E-171]titanium dioxide
adeziv {adj}adhesive [e.g. film, tape, binding, dressing, power]
de vis {adj}dream [attr.] [e.g. interpretation, car, beach]
vegetal {adj}vegetable [attr.] [e.g. fats, matter, oil, protein]
Unverified mecenat {n}patronage [e.g. of the arts, artists, charities]
econ. farm. nivel {n} de securitatesecurity grade [e.g. for safes]
alim. chim. bioxid {m} de sulf [SO2] [E-220]sulfur dioxide [Am.]
alim. chim. dioxid {m} de sulf [SO2] [E-220]sulfur dioxide [Am.]
alim. chim. bioxid {m} de sulf [SO2] [E-220]sulphur dioxide [Br.]
alim. chim. dioxid {m} de sulf [SO2] [E-220]sulphur dioxide [Br.]
fin. bancar {adj}banking [attr.] [e.g. establishment, house, information, secrecy, sector]
farm. med. tămăduitor {adj}healing [attr.] [e.g. arts, power, ointment, plant, sleep]
portuar {adj}port [attr.] [e.g. authority, map, police, tour, town]
ferov. feroviar {adj}railroad [attr.] [Am.] [e.g. area, embankment, gate, police]
ferov. feroviar {adj}railway [attr.] [Br.] [e.g. area, embankment, fare, gate]
anat. med. stomacal {adj}stomach [attr.] [e.g. contents, lining, wall, cancer, trouble]
ihtio. piscicol {adj}fishing [attr.] [e.g. agreement, association, ban, harbour, indutry, vessel]
matrimonial {adj}marriage [attr.] [e.g. agency, ban, counsellor, court, guidance, promise]
sport timp {n} suplimentar [de ex. la fotbal]added time [e.g. football]
sport timp {n} suplimentar [de ex. la fotbal]injury time [e.g. football]
sport timp {n} suplimentar [de ex. la fotbal]stoppage time [e.g. football]
a i se termina ceva [de ex. proviziile]to run out of sth. [e.g. provisions]
critic {adj} [de ex. factor critic]critical [e.g. factor]
alim. chim. acid {m} fosforic [Acidum phosphoricum] [H3PO4] [E-338]phosphoric acid
chim. dioxid {m} de carbon <CO2> [E-290]carbon dioxide
baton {n} [de ex. de ciocolată]bar [e.g. oc chocolate]
chim. acid {m} sulfuric [Acidum sulfuricum] [H2SO4] [E 513]sulphuric acid [Br.]
matrimonial {adj}matrimonial [e.g. dispute, law, vow]
alim. chim. enol. acid {m} tartrictartaric acid [E-334]
cameră {f} liberă [de ex. într-un hotel]empty room [e.g. in a hotel]
vocal {adj} [ex. activare, comandă, control, mail]voice [attr.] [e.g. activation, command, control, mail]
alim. chim. sorbitol {n} [E-420]sorbitol
chim. acid {m} sulfuric [Acidum sulfuricum] [H2SO4] [E 513]sulfuric acid [Am.]
chim. acid {m} carbonic [Acidum carbonicum] [H2CO3] [E 290]carbonic acid
alim. chim. acid {m} boric [H3BO3, BH3O3] [E-284]boric acid
alim. chim. acid {m} glutamic <Glu, E>glutamic acid [E-620]
alim. chim. acid {m} acetic [E-260] [CH3COOH]acetic acid
alim. biochem. acid {m} lactic [C3H6O3] [E-270]lactic acid
alim. chim. acid {m} stearic [E-570] [C18H36O2]stearic acid
alim. chim. acid {m} malicmalic acid [E-296]
zool. T
[eu/ei] pot[I/they] can
boboc {m} [student în anul I]freshman
ist. Henric {m} I PăsărarulHenry the Fowler [Henry I]
filos. Cuget, deci exist. [Cogito, ergo sum.]I think, therefore I am.
citat Știu nu știu nimic. [Socrate]I know that I know nothing.
citat Știu nu știu nimic. [Socrate]All I know is that I know nothing.
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