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Dictionary Romanian English: [or]

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

Unverified peste hotare {adv}abroad [in a foreign country or countries]
înainte (ca) {conj}afore [archaic or dialect] [before]
copilăresc {adj}childish [of, like, or appropriate to a child]
mit. relig. demonic {adj}daemonic [spv. or archaic] [demonic]
geogr. ist. milezian {adj}Milesian [of or relating to Miletus or its inhabitants]
biet {adj}poor [of a person: deserving of pity or sympathy]
tăios {adj}sharp [able to cut or pierce]
entom. orn. zool. a ecloza [a ieși din ou]to hatch [emerge from its egg; also: emerge from a chrysalis or pupa ]
a încercato taste [sample food or drink]
ling. afereză {f}aphaeresis [loss of one or more sounds from the beginning of a word]
relig. ştiinţă apologetică {f}apologetics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
astronau astronautică {f}astronautics [treated as sg. or pl.]
arhi. Unverified atlant {m}atlas [support or column]
foale {n}bellows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
foc {n} de tabărăbonfire [campfire, outdoor fire for warmth or entertainment]
hort. bonsai {m}bonsai [tree or shrub]
pol. sociol. burghezie {f}bourgeoisie [treated as sg. or pl.]
bruxellez {m}Bruxellois [native or inhabitant of Brussels]
etno. chinezoaică {f}Chinawoman [archaic or pej.]
bot T
covidiot {m} [pop.]covidiot [coll.] [pej.] [person who is foolishly reckless with respect to avoiding contracting or spreading COVID-19]
intersecție {f}crossroads [treated as sg. or pl.]
macaronar {m} [italian] [pei.]dago [pej.] [person of Italian birth or descent]
dietă {f}diet [chosen for health or slimming reasons]
dinamică {f}dynamics [treated as sg. or pl.]
dușman {m}foe [literary or formal]
fratricid {n}fratricide [killing of one's brother or sister]
evreu {m}Hebrew [dated or offensive]
geogr. iutlandeză {f}Jutlander [native or inhabitant of Jutland] [female]
fiz. cinematică {f}kinematics [treated as sg. or pl.]
vest. look {n}look [style or fashion]
etno. marsiliez {m}Marseillais [native or inhabitant of Marseilles]
med. pojar {n}measles [treated as sg. or pl.]
med. rujeolă {f}measles [treated as sg. or pl.]
mat. înmulțire {f}multiplication or · or *>
med. Unverified polidactilie {f}polydactylia [having more than the normal number of toes or fingers]
sport pugilism {n}pugilism [dated or hum.]
med. cabinet {n} medicalsurgery [Br.] [physician's or dentist's office]
simpatizant {m}sympathizer [one who agrees with a sentiment or opinion]
tratative {pl}talks [formal discussions or negotiations]
chiriașă {f}tenant [female; also as a company, or several persons]
teatru actor {m}thespian [formal or hum.] [actor]
muz. wagnerian {m}Wagnerian [follower, admirer of Richard Wagner or his music]
tinerime {f}youth [treated as sg. or pl.] [young people]
2 Words: Others
enol. demisec {adj} [ptr. vinuri]demi-sec [sparkling wine or champagne]
volens nolens {adv}nolens volens [unwilling (or) willing]
2 Words: Verbs
a fi urgentto be urgent [requiring or compelling speedy action or attention]
a-și lua inima în dinți [fig.]to take heart [idiom] [become encouraged or more confident]
2 Words: Nouns
educ. alma mater {f}alma mater [school, college or university you attended]
casus belli {n}casus belli [Lat.: whatever involves or justifies war]
vân. zool. Unverified coarne {pl} de cerb [set sau pereche]deer antlers {pl} [set or pair]
pol. politică {f} energeticăenergy politics [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.]
weekend {n} prelungitlong weekend [three- or four-day weekend]
ist. ştiinţă medievistică {f}medieval studies [treated as sg. or pl.]
vân. zool. coarne {pl} de elan [set sau pereche]moose antlers {pl} [set or pair]
pasăre {f} rară [pop.] [fig.] [persoană specială]rare bird [rare or unique person]
vân. zool. Unverified coarne {pl} de cerb [set sau pereche]stag's antlers {pl} [set or pair]
anat. corzi {pl} vocalevocal chords [spv. or dated]
3 Words: Others
vreo doi / două [câțiva / câteva]a couple of [two or three of]
cât ai bate din palme {adv}in no time [idiom] [very quickly or very soon]
Ba da! [exprimă răspunsul afirmativ la o întrebare sau propoziție negativă]On the contrary! [contradicting a negative question or statement]
3 Words: Verbs
a avea sarcina to be supposed to [to be intended or designed to]
3 Words: Nouns
lumânare {f} din ceară de albinebees-wax candle [also: bees' wax, bees wax or beeswax candle]
geogr. Strâmtoarea {f} MagellanStraits of Magellan [treated as pl. or sg.]
5+ Words: Verbs
a înnebuni pe cineva [a scoate din sărite]to drive sb. out of their mind [idiom] [annoy or bother very much]
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