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Dicţionar englez-român

Romanian-English translation for: [people 's]
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Dictionary Romanian English: [people 's]

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Partial Matches
med. cabinet {n} medicalsurgery [Br.] [physician's or dentist's office]
etno. găgăuzi {pl}Gagauzes [Gagauz people]
bibl. ist. filisteni {pl}Philistines [ancient Near Eastern people]
tinerime {f}youth [treated as sg. or pl.] [young people]
baroneasă {f}baroness [baron's wife]
jignire {f}offence [to sb.'s feelings] [esp. Br.]
geol. scoarță {f} terestrăearth crust [Earth's crust]
cabină {f} a șoferului [camion]cab [driver's cab]
matricid {n}matricide [the killing of one's mother]
patricid {n}patricide [the killing of one's father]
admin. ajutor {m} de șerifundersheriff [Am.] [sheriff's deputy]
fratricid {n}fratricide [killing of one's brother or sister]
Unverified antum {adj}ante-mortem [published during the author's life]
geol. Unverified suprafața {f} Pământuluiearth's surface [also: Earth's surface]
mat. teorema {f} lui PitagoraPythagoras' theorem [also: Pythagoras's theorem]
drapelul {n} Germanieifederal flag [name of Germany's national flag]
film F Fantomele fostelor iubiteGhosts of Girlfriends Past [Mark S. Waters]
paricid {n} [omor al tatălui]patricide [the killing of one's father]
anat. colțul {n} guriimouth corner [rare for: corner of one's mouth]
tacâm {n}place setting [one person's cutlery etc. at a table]
vest. șosete {pl} de lână de oaiewool socks [made from sheep's wool]
a-și trece mâna prin părto rake one's fingers through one's hair
a-și trece mâna prin părto run one's fingers through one's hair
geol. magnetism {n} terestruEarth's magnetism [earth's magnetism]
vest. costum {n} tradiționaltraditional costume [men's suit]
cosm. a-și vopsi părul blondto go blond [dye one's hair blond]
vest. costum {n} tradiționaltraditional suit [men's]
a-i deschide ochii cuivato red pill sb. [open sb.'s eyes figuratively] [term of the political right]
zool. pisicuță {f}kitty [also: Kitty] [children's talk] [pet name for a cat, small cat]
zool. T
idiom Maurul și-a făcut datoria, maurul poate plece.The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go. [after: Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa]
sport Mâna {f} lui Dumnezeu [Diego Maradona]the hand of God [football / soccer] [refers to Diego Maradona's infamous goal in 1986 World Cup] [also: Hand of God]
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