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Romanian-English translation for: .fi
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Dictionary Romanian English: fi

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NOUN   fi | - | fi | -
VERB   a fi | sunt | fiind | fost
a fi
to be
fi {m} <Φ, φ, ϕ> [literă grecească]phi <Φ, φ, ϕ> [Greek letter]
geogr. Finlanda {f}Finland <.fi>
2 Words: Verbs
a fi acoloto be there
a fi admisto be admitted
a fi atentto mind [be careful]
a fi beatto be drunk
a fi binedispusto be in good spirits
a fi concediatto be dismissed
a fi coruptibilto be corruptible
a fi deschisto be open
a fi devotat cuivato be devoted to sb.
a fi evident [a fi ușor de înțeles, a fi clar]to be obvious
a fi furiosto rampage
a fi gatato be done
a fi gravidăto be in a family way [Am.] [coll.] [pregnant]
a fi gravidăto have a bun in the oven [coll.]
a fi încântatto be delighted
a fi îndrăgostitto be in love with
a fi inferiorto be inferior
a fi însetatto be thirsty
a fi istorieto be history
a fi mortto be gone [coll.]
a fi mulțumitto be satisfied
a fi ocupatto be engaged [busy]
a fi ocupatto be tied up
a fi ocupat [a avea treabă]to be occupied [busy]
a fi omisto be omitted
a fi politicosto be polite
Unverified a fi promovatto be promoted [rise to a higher position or rank]
a fi punctualto be on time
med. a fi răcitto have a cold
a fi sănătosto be well
a fi scadentto be due
a fi șomerto be unemployed
a fi strâmtoratto be tight on cash [coll.]
a fi suficientto suffice
a fi tabuto be taboo
a fi urgentto be urgent [requiring or compelling speedy action or attention]
a fi utilto be useful
a fi utilizatto be used
2 Words: Nouns
science-fiction {n}science fiction <Scifi, Sci Fi, SF>
inform. Wi-Fi {n}Wi-Fi™ [also WiFi, Wifi] [coll.] [often used as synonym for WLAN]
3 Words: Others
[el/ea/ei] ar fi vrut[he/she/they] would have liked to
3 Words: Verbs
a fi absolut convinsto be profoundly convinced
Unverified a fi amestecat în cevato be mixed up in sth.
a fi atent la cineva/cevato pay attention to sb./sth.
a fi beat mortto be as drunk as anything [coll.] [idiom]
a fi bine dispusto be in a good mood
a fi compus (din)to consist (of)
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