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Dictionary Romanian English: E

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NOUN   an E | Es
eit's [it is]
est {n}east <E>
2 Words: Others
Așa e.It's true.
de exemplu {adv}for example <e.g.>
de exemplu {adv} <de ex.>exempli gratia <e.g.>
de pildă {adv}for example <e.g.>
2 Words: Nouns
alim. chim. acid {m} glutamic <Glu, E>glutamic acid [E-620]
bicl. bicicletă {f} electricăe-bike [short for: electric bicycle]
com. fin. jur. comerț {n} electronicelectronic commerce <e-commerce>
transp. drum {n} europeanEuropean route <E-route>
muz. Mi {m} majorE major <E>
țigară {f} electronică <e-țigară>electro cigarette <e-cigarette>
tech. țigară {f} electronică <e-țigară>electronic cigarette <e-cigarette>
3 Words: Others
Ana e frumoasă.Ana is beautiful.
Așa e viața!That's life! [idiom]
Care e necazul?What's the trouble?
Care e problema?What's wrong?
Căscatul e molipsitor.Yawning is catching.
Cât e ceasul?What time is it?
Cât e ora?What time it is?
Cine e acolo?Who is there?
proverb Dragostea e oarbă.Love is blind.
E prea târziu.It's too late.
E rândul meu.It's my turn.
E-n ordine.That's fine.
E-n regulă.That's fine.
înaintea erei noastre {adv} <î.e.n.>before the Common Era <BCE, B.C.E.>
Mi-e cald.I am warm.
Mi-e egal.I don't mind.
Mi-e foame.I'm hungry.
Mi-e frig.I'm cold.
Mi-e frig.I am cold.
Mi-e indiferent.It's all the same to me.
med. Mi-e rău.I feel sick. [Br.]
Mi-e sete.I'm thirsty.
Mi-e totuna. [pop.]I don't give a fuck. <IDGAF> [vulg.]
tot una ejust as well
3 Words: Verbs
internet a trimite cuiva un mailto send sb. an e-mail
internet a trimite e-mailurito email
inform. a trimite e-mailurito mail [e-mail]
inform. internet a verifica e-mailulto check email
3 Words: Nouns
med. bacterii {pl} E. coli [Escherichia coli]E. coli
4 Words: Others
Ce mai e nou?What's new?
Ce mică e lumea!What a small world!
Ce zi e azi?What day is it today?
Ceva e în neregulă.Something is not right.
citat E ceva putred în Danemarca.Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. [Shakespeare] [Hamlet]
E ceva suspect la mijloc.That's a bit fishy.
idiom E în natura lucrurilor.It's the nature of the beast.
Timpul meu e limitat.My time is limited.
4 Words: Verbs
internet a trimite un e-mailto send an e-mail
4 Words: Nouns
internet adresă {f} de e-mailemail address
internet adresă {f} de e-maile-mail address
internet e-mail {n} de confirmareconfirmation email
med. PompSalv unitate {f} de primiri urgențe <UPU>accident and emergency <A&E> [Br.]
5+ Words: Others
Asta nu e lucru curat.There's something fishy about that. [coll.] [idiom]
idiom Unverified care nu e demn de încredere {adj}as crooked as a dog's hind leg
E timpul încheiem discuția.It is time to end the discussion.
proverb Întinde-te cât ți-e plapuma.Cut your coat according to your cloth.
Mi-e dor de tine.I miss you.
Mi-e milă de tine.I feel sorry for you.
Nu e cine știe ce.It's not a big deal.
idiom Unverified Nu e de nasul tău.It is not for the likes of you.
Ți-e dor de mine?Do you miss me?
Ție ți-e ușor vorbești!It's easy for you to talk!
proverb Vorba-i de argint, tăcerea e de aur.Speech is silver, silence is golden.
5+ Words: Verbs
a bate fierul cât e caldto strike while the iron is hot
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Cui i-e frică de Virginia Woolf?Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? [Edward Albee]
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