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Dicţionar englez-român

Romanian-English translation for: That
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Dictionary Romanian English: That

Translation 1 - 55 of 55

PRON1  that [demonstrative pronoun] | that | - ... 
PRON2  that [relative pronoun] | that | - ... 
SYNO   thereto | to it | to that
acela {pron}that
asta {adj} {pron}that
acel faptthat
2 Words: Others
după aia {adv} [pop.]after that
presupunând assuming that
înainte de {adv}before that
Ai înțeles?Got that?
cu condiția caprovided that
deci {conj}so that
așa încât {conj} [conjuncție subordonatoare]so that
astfel încât {conj}so that
acel faptthat fact
acel lucruthat thing
E-n ordine.That's fine.
E-n regulă.That's fine.
Așa e viața!That's life! [idiom]
de asta {adv}that's why
aceia carethose that
3 Words: Others
în acel moment {adv}at that moment
în acel moment {adv}at that point
în momentul acela {adv}at that time
cu toate acesteadespite all that
în caz {conj}in case that
Asta nu contează.That doesn't matter.
Are sens.That makes sense.
4 Words: Others
pe lângă faptul besides the fact that
în ciuda faptului despite the fact that
având în vedere faptul given the fact that
Cât costă asta?How much is that?
Uitasem ...I was forgetting (that) ...
totuși {adv}in spite of that
adică {adv}that is to say
Asta-i de mult.That was way back.
E ceva suspect la mijloc.That's a bit fishy.
Ce înseamnă asta?What does that mean?
4 Words: Verbs
a declara pe cineva mortto report that sb. is dead
a da pe cineva dispărutto report that sb. is missing
5+ Words: Others
citat Știu nu știu nimic. [Socrate]All I know is that I know nothing.
Nu-mi vine cred!I can't believe it / that!
doare în cur! [vulg.]I don't give a shit (about that)! [vulg.] [idiom]
citat Știu nu știu nimic. [Socrate]I know that I know nothing.
Pardon, dar nu înțeleg.I'm sorry, I didn't get / catch that.
Pardon, dar asta nu am înțeles.I'm sorry, I didn't get / catch that.
În plus, dorim atragem atenția asupra faptului ...In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that ...
idiom Unverified plin de sine {adv}like a cat that ate the canary
Asta sună bine.That sounds like a good idea.
Asta nu privește.That's none of your business.
N-are nici un rost.There's no point in that.
N-are nici un sens.There's no point in that.
Asta nu e lucru curat.There's something fishy about that. [coll.] [idiom]
De unde ai luat asta?Where did you get that?
Trebuie crezi asta.You have to believe that.
5+ Words: Verbs
a fi de părere ...to be of the opinion that ...
5+ Words: Nouns
jur. Unverified rovinietă {f}sticker that proves that one has payed the road tax
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