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Dicţionar englez-român

Romanian-English translation for: a face patul
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Dictionary Romanian English: a face patul

Translation 1 - 50 of 4452  >>

a face patulto make the bed
Partial Matches
a uda patulto wet one's bed
a face ceva numai de-a draculuito do sth. just to tease
a faceto be done
a faceto be made
a faceto do
a faceto make
circul. a face autostopulto hitch-hike
a face autostopulto hitchhike
a face baieto have a bath
a face baieto take a bath
jur. transp. a face blatulto be a fare dodger
gastr. a face cafeato brew coffee
a face carierăto make one's career
a face cateringto cater
a face ceaito brew tea
a face ceaito make tea
Unverified a face circto kick up a fuss
Unverified a face circto kick up a row
a face concesiito make concessions
a face contrabandăto bootleg
a face contrabandăto contraband
a face contrabandăto smuggle
a face curteto woo
a face dragosteto make love
a face dușto have a shower
aviat. Unverified a face escalăto make a stopover
sport a face flotărito do push-ups [Am.]
a face gargarăto burble
sport a face gimnasticăto do gymnastics
sport a face gimnasticăto practise gymnastics [Br.]
fiz. a face implozieto implode
a face istorieto make history
sport a face joggingto jog
a face navetato commute [to travel between home and work]
a face navetato shuttle
a face olărieto do pottery
a face olărieto make pottery
a face ordineto tidy up
a face plajăto sunbathe
a face plinulto fill (up)
foto. a face pozeto take pictures
a face reclamăto advertise
a face saunăto sauna
a face scufundărito snorkel
a face senzațieto cause a sensation
a face sexto have sex
sport a face sportto do sport [Br.] [Aus.]
sport a face sportto do sports
sport a face sportto work out
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