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Dicţionar englez-român

Romanian-English translation for: as useful as a chocolate teapot
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Dictionary Romanian English: as useful as a chocolate teapot

Translation 1 - 50 of 615  >>

idiom Unverified complet inutil {adj}as useful as a chocolate teapot
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șiret ca vulpea {adj}(as) sly as a fox
idiom orb de-a binelea {adj}as blind as a bat
harnic ca o albină {adj}as busy as a bee
idiom Unverified curat ca în palmă {adj}as clean as a whistle
idiom imperturbabil {adj}as cool as a cucumber
idiom în plină formă {adj}as fit as a fiddle
idiom liber ca pasărea cerului {adj}as free as a bird
idiom sătul de plesnește {adj}as full as a tick
idiom căruia îi lipsește o doagă {adj} [fig.]as mad as a hatter
idiom umflat în pene {adj} [mândru] [fig.]as proud as a peacock
idiom iute la minte {adj}as sharp as a tack
idiom foarte încăpățânat {adj}as stubborn as a mule
idiom alb la față {adj} [de frică]as white as a ghost
idiom sărac lipit pământului {adj}as poor as a church mouse
idiom Unverified care nu e demn de încredere {adj}as crooked as a dog's hind leg
fericit nevoie mare {adj}as happy as a flea in a doghouse
idiom Unverified complet inutil {adj}as much use as a handbrake on a canoe
idiom Unverified iute ca gândul {adj}as quick as a dog can lick a dish
de îndată ce {conj}as soon as
de îndată ce {adv}as soon as
precum și {conj}as well as
idiom imperturbabil {adj}as cool as ice
idiom Unverified uscat ca iasca {adj}as dry as dust
idiom Unverified foarte plictisitor {adj}as dull as ditchwater
idiom foarte simplu {adj}as easy as pie
pe cât posibil {adv}as far as possible
foarte cuminte {adj}as good as gold
idiom Unverified fericit nevoie mare {adj}as happy as Larry
idiom Unverified impasibil {adj} [rece]as hard as nails
idiom Unverified foarte motivat {adj}as keen as mustard
idiom Unverified foarte amabil {adj}as nice as pie
idiom prieteni la cataramă {adj}as thick as thieves
idiom Unverified urât ca noaptea {adj}as ugly as sin
alb ca zăpada {adj}(as) white as snow [postpos.]
idiom Unverified anost {adj}as dry as dust [fig.]
inform. internet cât mai curând posibil {adv}as soon as possible <ASAP>
idiom Unverified foarte rar {adj}as scarce as hens' teeth
idiom greu de prins {adj}as slippery as an eel
tare ca piatra {adj}as tough as old boots
proverb Așa tată, așa fiu.As father, as son. [Am.] [coll.]
idiom Unverified totuna {adj} [indiferent]as broad as it's long
idiom ca ziua și noaptea {adj} [diferiți]as different as chalk and cheese
a fi beat mortto be as drunk as anything [coll.] [idiom]
ca o consecințăas a consequence
ca urmare {prep}as a consequence
ca urmareas a result
drept pentru careas a result
drept urmareas a result
ca printr-o minune {adv}as by a miracle
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