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Romanian-English translation for: black-footed
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Dictionary Romanian English: black footed

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orn. T
zool. T
Partial Matches
film F Întâlnire cu Joe BlackMeet Joe Black [Martin Brest]
cu picioarele goale {adj} {adv}bare-footed
în picioarele goale {adj} {adv}bare-footed
orn. T
orn. T
negru {adj}black
a înnegrito black
inimă rea {adj}black-hearted
bere gastr. bere {f} neagrăblack beer
aviat. inform. cutie {f} neagrăblack box
gastr. cafea {f} neagrăblack coffee
astron. pitică {f} neagrăblack dwarf
fiz. med. lumină {f} neagrăblack light
listă {f} neagrăblack list
ezot. magie {f} neagrăblack magic
gastr. sângerete {m}black pudding [Br.]
geogr. Marea {f} NeagrăBlack Sea
gastr. ceai {n} negrublack tea
cu părul negru {adj}black-haired
negru ca smoala {adj}pitch black
etno. ist. germani {pl} ponticiBlack Sea Germans
relig. turism Biserica {f} NeagrăThe Black Church
idiom negru ca pana corbuluipitch black
bani {pl} negri [câștigați ilegal]black money
geogr. coasta {f} Mării NegreBlack Sea coast
geogr. coasta {f} Mării NegreBlack Sea shore
micol. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
micol. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
Unverified alb-negru {adj}black-and-white <bw, b/w>
geogr. hidro. Canalul {n} Dunăre-Marea NeagrăDanube-Black Sea Canal
foto. fotografie {f} alb-negrublack and white photo / photograph
lit. F Obeliscul negru [Erich Maria Remarque]The Black Obelisk
a cumpăra la negruto buy on the black market
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
mil. naut. Flota {f} Mării NegreBlack Sea Fleet [also: Black Sea fleet]
a bate măr pe cinevato beat sb. black and blue
orn. T
bot gastr. T
zool. T
orn. T
geogr. naut. port {n} la Marea NeagrăBlack Sea port
zool. T
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