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Dicţionar englez-român

Romanian-English translation for: ce.
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Dictionary Romanian English: ce

Translation 1 - 50 of 112  >>


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PRON   ce [invariabil]
SYNO   Ce | atomic number 58 | cerium | C.E. ... 
ce {adj} {pron}
chim. ceriu {n} <Ce>cerium <Ce>
2 Words: Others
Ce altceva?What else?
Ce anume?What about it?
Ce bucurie!What a joy!
Ce contează?What is the matter?
Ce crezi?What do you think?
Ce dezastru!What a mess!
Ce este?What is the matter?
Unverified Ce facem?What shall we do?
Ce faceți?How are you doing?
Ce faci?What's up? [Am.] [coll.]
Ce faci?How are you?
Ce faci?How do you do?
Ce faci?What are you doing?
Ce fericire!What a joy!
Ce gândești?What do you think?
Ce ghinion!What bad luck!
Ce întâmplare!What a coincidence!
Ce naiba?What the heck?
Ce nerușinare!What a nerve!
Ce noroc!What luck!
Ce păcat!What a pity!
Ce păcat!What a shame!
Ce pierdere!What a waste!
Ce plăcere!What a pleasure!
Ce prostie!What nonsense!
Ce risipă!What a waste!
Ce rușine!What a shame!
Ce spui?Whaddaya say? [sl.]
Ce spui?What do you think? <WDYT>
Ce urmează?What next?
de ce {adv}why
după ce {prep}after
Ghici ce!Guess what!
până ce {conj}until
pentru cewhat for
Pentru ce?What's the point?
2 Words: Nouns
sport campionat {n} european <CE>European championship <EC>
constr. educ. inginerie {f} civilăcivil engineering <CE>
tech. marcaj {n} CECE mark
3 Words: Others
Ce abordare are?What's his angle?
Ce faceți dumneavoastră?What are you doing?
internet Ce faci tu?What you doing? <wyd, WYD> [Internet slang] [What are you doing?]
Ce faci tu?What are you doing?
ce fel dewhat a
Ce hram poartă?What kind of a person is he/she?
Ce înălțime ai?How tall are you?
Ce înseamnă asta?What does that mean?
Ce întâmplare ciudată.What an odd coincidence.
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