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Dictionary Romanian → English: trafic | Translation 1 - 19 of 19 |
Romanian | English | |||||
| – | |||||
circul. trafic {n} | traffic | |||||
2 Words | ||||||
naut. trafic {n} fluvial | river traffic | |||||
circul. transp. trafic {n} interurban | interurban traffic | |||||
3 Words | ||||||
circul. con {n} pentru trafic | traffic cone | |||||
circul. indicator {n} de trafic | traffic sign | |||||
circul. trafic {n} al autovehiculelor | automobile traffic [Am.] | |||||
circul. trafic {n} al autovehiculelor | car traffic | |||||
circul. trafic {n} al autovehiculelor | motor traffic | |||||
trafic {n} de copii | child trafficking | |||||
trafic {n} de copii | trafficking in children | |||||
com. droguri trafic {n} de droguri | drug traffic | |||||
com. droguri trafic {n} de droguri | drug trafficking | |||||
com. jur. med. trafic {n} de organe | organ trade | |||||
med. trafic {n} de organe | organ trafficking | |||||
trafic {n} de persoane | human trafficking | |||||
trafic {n} pe internet | internet traffic | |||||
4 Words | ||||||
aviat. job controlor {m} de trafic aerian | flight controller | |||||
aviat. job controlor {m} de trafic aerian | air traffic controller <ATCO> | |||||
trafic {n} de carne vie | trafficking in human beings |
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