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Romanian-English translation for: uric acid
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Dictionary Romanian English: uric acid

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NOUN   uric acid | -
chim. acid {m} uric [Acidum uricum]uric acid
Partial Matches
alim. chim. acid {m} fosforic [Acidum phosphoricum] [H3PO4] [E-338]phosphoric acid
chim. acid {m} teluric [H6TeO6, Te(OH)6]telluric acid
chim. acid {m} sulfuric [Acidum sulfuricum] [H2SO4] [E 513]sulphuric acid [Br.]
chim. acid {m} azotic [Acidum nitricum] [HNO3]nitric acid
biochem. acid {m} caprilic [C8H16O2]caprylic acid [octanoic acid]
biochem. acid {m} dezoxiribonucleic [ADN]desoxyribonucleic acid <DNA> [dated]
chim. acid {m} butiric [CH3CH2CH2-COOH]butyric acid
biochem. acid {m} dezoxiribonucleic [ADN]deoxyribonucleic acid <DNA>
biochem. cosm. acid {m} hialuronic [(C14H21NO11)n]hyaluronic acid <HA>
chim. acid {m} metanoic [HCOOH, HCO2H]methanoic acid
alim. chim. enol. acid {m} tartrictartaric acid [E-334]
chim. acid {m} gras saturatsaturated fatty acid
farm. acid {m} acetilsalicilicacetylsalicylic acid <ASA>
chim. acid {m} arsenic [H3AsO4]arsoric acid
chim. acid {m} cianhidric <HCN>cyanhydric acid
chim. acid {m} clorhidrichydrochloric acid [HCl]
biochem. acid {m} corismic [C10H10O6]chorismic acid
chim. acid {m} galic [C7H6O5]gallic acid
chim. acid {m} hipocloros [HOCl]hypochlorous acid
chim. acid {m} homogentizic [C8H8O4]homogentisic acid
biochem. acid {m} miristic [C14H28O2]myristic acid
chim. acid {m} sulfurossulfurous acid [Am.]
chim. acid {m} sulfurossulphurous acid [Br.]
chim. acid {m} teluros [H2TeO3]tellurous acid
chim. acid {m} tiocianic [HSCN]thiocyanic acid
chim. electr. acid {m} de bateriebattery acid
chim. acid {m} acrilicacrylic acid
chim. acid {m} boricboracic acid
chim. acid {m} carboxiliccarboxylic acid
biochem. acid {m} elagicellagic acid
med. acid {m} gastricstomach acid
biochem. acid {m} piruvicpyruvic acid
chim. acid {m} sulfuric [Acidum sulfuricum] [H2SO4] [E 513]sulfuric acid [Am.]
chim. acid {m} carbonic [Acidum carbonicum] [H2CO3] [E 290]carbonic acid
alim. chim. acid {m} boric [H3BO3, BH3O3] [E-284]boric acid
alim. chim. acid {m} glutamic <Glu, E>glutamic acid [E-620]
biochem. acid {m} ribonucleic mesager <ARNm>messenger ribonucleic acid <mRNA>
alim. chim. acid {m} acetic [E-260] [CH3COOH]acetic acid
chim. acid {m} butanoic [CH3CH2CH2-COOH]butanoic acid <BTA>
alim. biochem. acid {m} lactic [C3H6O3] [E-270]lactic acid
chim. acid {m} lisergic <LSD>lysergic acid diethylamide <LSD>
alim. chim. acid {m} stearic [E-570] [C18H36O2]stearic acid
biochem. deficit {n} de acid folicfolic acid deficiency
chim. acid {m} formic [HCOOH, HCO2H]formic acid
alim. chim. acid {m} malicmalic acid [E-296]
biochem. acid {m} gamma-aminobutiric <GABA>gamma-aminobutyric acid <GABA>
chim. acid {m} arsenic [H3AsO4]arsenic acid
chim. cosm. farm. acid {m} azelaic [C9H16O4]azelaic acid
biochem. acid {m} capric [C10H20O2]capric acid
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